Kids need special vitamins and minerals so that they can have a healthy head start as they develop into adults. Here are 10 of the super foods that experts will tell you should find their way on your kids’ plates:
- Sweet Potatoes – Rich in potassium, vitamins A and C, folate, iron, and calcium. They are rated as one of the best nutritious vegetables on the planet. You can mash, grill, roast sweet potatoes for your kids. You can even create a delicious sweet casserole out of sweet potatoes and who can’t resist oven-baked sweet potato French fries.
- Broccoli – Filled with fiber, this vegetable has plenty of vitamins and minerals that will improve your children’s eyesight. If your kids cannot take them raw, put them into stir fry dishes or casseroles. Make dips and have your kids have fun with them.
- Whole grains – Breads, cereals, and crackers made from whole grains will give your kids a dose of folic acid, B vitamins, zinc, and iron. Some are even fortified with vitamin D and calcium so make sure to find these variants. Whole grains can prevent your kids from getting heart disease when they’re older.
- Cheese – This is a real popular superfood that you’ll have no trouble making your kids eat. Cheese has calcium, protein, and vitamin B12. They also have phosphorus which helps build healthy bones. Eating cheese also prevents your kids from developing dental cavities.
- Yogurt – Instead of ice cream, freeze yogurt and let your kids enjoy them like ice cream. Yogurt has calcium, protein, carbohydrates, zinc, phosphorus, and vitamin B. They will also have healthier intestines and will give their immune system a boost.
- Tuna Fish – Tuna is full of protein, niacin, B vitamins, zinc, and iron. It also has Omega 3 that is an unsaturated fat that helps in brain development. They will also have healthier hearts for this. However, make sure not to give your kids too much because of mercury levels they are reported to have.
- Berries – Antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and carbohydrates make berries one of the healthiest foods around. They have no fat and cholesterol. Be sure to include them with yogurt, oatmeal, or whole grain cereals.
- Milk – Fortified with vitamin D, milk is rich in calcium and phosphorus which are essential for your kids to develop strong bones. Milk also has carbohydrates, protein, magnesium and vitamin A. Kids under two can chug full fat milk while older kids should have reduced fat milk. Use milk with cookies and cereal to make it more attractive for younger ones.
- Eggs – Eggs are full of protein with other vitamins and minerals. It also has choline which is great for brain development.
- Beef – Another source of choline is beef. Beef also has B vitamins and proteins, as well as niacin, iron, and zinc. Growing bodies need these vitamins and minerals to become healthy. Use beef in hamburgers and steak or you might want to grill kabobs that will surely be a hit for kids.