Sunday, September 5, 2010

Have Your Kids Singing the Spaghetti Song with this Healthy Pasta Recipe!

Yes, this blog is about intraKID liquid vitamins for kids. But, how about a healthy recipe? 

Of course you know the pasta song which first line goes, “on top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese, I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.” Of course you know that your kids just love eating pasta, and what makes the dish a favorite is precisely the creamy cheese sauce and the mouthful of meat mentioned in the song. Of course you know that such ingredients are not really healthy, especially for kids.

But do you know that your pasta could be nutritious?

Believe it, your pasta could be a healthy treat for the kids! All it takes is putting together the right ingredients, and you have a tasty, nutritious pasta plate to serve to your little angels. The best part is that your dish could be quite delicious too!

Picking the Right Ingredients
As emphasized earlier, the key to a defiantly nutritious and tasty pasta dish is the choice of ingredients.

The Pasta. It must be the kind made from whole wheat or whole grains. You must take time and effort to look for this type of pasta, as it is the only kind that’s packed with fiber. The standard white pasta you see on market and grocery shelves are stripped of grains that are good for your heart.

The Vegetables. Once you have whole-grain pasta as your base, you could make the dish even healthier by jazzing it up with vegetables. Pick ones which flavors go together, and the more colorful they are the better to put them in the mix! Some examples include chopped tomatoes, fresh spinach, savory onions, green and red peppers, stewed squash, fresh zucchini, crunchy peas, stewed mushrooms, and fresh broccoli. The best trick is to sauté these with the sauce so that the flavors will blend smoothly with the tomato paste.

The Mouthful of Meat. And now, you could play with your own version of the ‘meatballs’ that kids sing about so happily. You could put in healthy chicken strips grilled or sautéed with spices, or a bowlful of steamed shrimps, to add protein to your dish.

The Tasty Sauce. You have to stay away from those jars of processed sauce generously available in the market. They’re usually packed with fats and calories, and if you pick them as your pasta sauce your nutritious dish will instantly turn into a fat-filled treat. If you must pick this type of sauce, make sure to check the label for the fat and calorie contents. Remember that creamy sauces are laden with these toxic ingredients. Instead of using this kind of sauce, pick the basic tomato sauce and tomato paste. Better yet, you could concoct your own sauce by simmering a pot of tomatoes with a handful of basil and oregano leaves.

When you finally put these healthy ingredients together, there’s no doubt that your kids will love the taste. Creating a pasta dish that’s rich in flavor, in vitamins and in fiber is worth the task, especially if you have happy healthy kids singing the pasta song after the meal. Add a dose of intraKID Liquid Vitamin and you'll be sure about your kid's health.

Monday, May 31, 2010

10 SuperFoods You Must Put on Your Kids’ Plates

As nutritionists will tell you, you will need to feed your kids a variety of foods to make sure that they are getting the right amount of nutrients every meal. Like you, I’ve always wandered the food aisle wondering which ones to buy.

Kids need special vitamins and minerals so that they can have a healthy head start as they develop into adults. Here are 10 of the super foods that experts will tell you should find their way on your kids’ plates:
  1. Sweet Potatoes – Rich in potassium, vitamins A and C, folate, iron, and calcium. They are rated as one of the best nutritious vegetables on the planet. You can mash, grill, roast sweet potatoes for your kids. You can even create a delicious sweet casserole out of sweet potatoes and who can’t resist oven-baked sweet potato French fries.
  2. Broccoli – Filled with fiber, this vegetable has plenty of vitamins and minerals that will improve your children’s eyesight. If your kids cannot take them raw, put them into stir fry dishes or casseroles. Make dips and have your kids have fun with them.
  3. Whole grains – Breads, cereals, and crackers made from whole grains will give your kids a dose of folic acid, B vitamins, zinc, and iron. Some are even fortified with vitamin D and calcium so make sure to find these variants. Whole grains can prevent your kids from getting heart disease when they’re older.
  4. Cheese – This is a real popular superfood that you’ll have no trouble making your kids eat. Cheese has calcium, protein, and vitamin B12. They also have phosphorus which helps build healthy bones. Eating cheese also prevents your kids from developing dental cavities. 
  5. Yogurt – Instead of ice cream, freeze yogurt and let your kids enjoy them like ice cream. Yogurt has calcium, protein, carbohydrates, zinc, phosphorus, and vitamin B. They will also have healthier intestines and will give their immune system a boost. 
  6. Tuna Fish – Tuna is full of protein, niacin, B vitamins, zinc, and iron. It also has Omega 3 that is an unsaturated fat that helps in brain development. They will also have healthier hearts for this. However, make sure not to give your kids too much because of mercury levels they are reported to have.
  7. Berries – Antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and carbohydrates make berries one of the healthiest foods around. They have no fat and cholesterol. Be sure to include them with yogurt, oatmeal, or whole grain cereals. 
  8. Milk – Fortified with vitamin D, milk is rich in calcium and phosphorus which are essential for your kids to develop strong bones. Milk also has carbohydrates, protein, magnesium and vitamin A. Kids under two can chug full fat milk while older kids should have reduced fat milk. Use milk with cookies and cereal to make it more attractive for younger ones.
  9. Eggs – Eggs are full of protein  with other vitamins and minerals. It also has choline which is great for brain development. 
  10. Beef – Another source of choline is beef. Beef also has B vitamins and proteins, as well as niacin, iron, and zinc. Growing bodies need these vitamins and minerals to become healthy. Use beef in hamburgers and steak or you might want to grill kabobs that will surely be a hit for kids.
Don't be afraid to get creative when you're preparing your kids' meals. You can even involve them in food preparations to get them interested. Since most foods are lower in vital nutrients because of depleted soil, I give my kids the best childrens multiple vitamin available; IntraKID Liquid Vitamins to make sure they're getting the right amount of nutrients.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

IntraKID Review

IntraKID is by far the best liquid vitamin for children I have tried for my two kids. IntraKID is 100%-certified organic and does not have any preservatives. It is also hypoallergenic and contains the most comprehensive vitamins and minerals that kids need. Aside from that, IntraKID also has a great taste that kids will love minus the sugar.

100% Organic
IntraKID is manufactured by Drucker Laboratories, which is based in the United States. IntraKID is a liquid multivitamin that is designed for kids 2 to 12 years old. Drucker Labs assure us that all their nutritional supplements are manufactured in the United States.

IntraKID also does not have any preservatives or any other additives. This is great news because almost all the kid’s vitamins I have tried almost always have preservatives and have artificial coloring.

One of my friends who is a vegetarian swear by IntraKID. When she checked the ingredients, she was relieved that she’s not introducing animal products to her kids. This product does not have any salicylates, herbicides, or pesticides. That’s why I’m confident that I am not introducing any synthetic substances to my kids.

For those with kids who are allergic to a lot of things, IntraKID is the best choice. If your kid is allergic to any of these ingredients, then you can rest easy that IntraKID does NOT contain any of these antibiotics, binders, caffeine, or cholesterol.  It also does NOT have any crustacean shellfish, dairy, egg, fish or fish oil, gluten, nuts , soy, starch, wheat, or yeast.

Full Spectrum of Vitamins and Minerals

Most kid’s vitamins you find in drugstores only have 30 vitamins. Intrakid has 215 nutrients. What’s great about the nutrients in IntraKID is that they are 100% carbon-bond organic nutrients. This means that your kids’ cells readily absorb these nutrients. The 71 trace minerals also prepare your kids’ bodies to absorb the vitamins.

Great Natural Raspberry Flavor

When I used other liquid vitamins, I had to literally bribe my kids to take their vitamins. They act like I’m torturing them. That’s why vitamin time was not a pleasant time for my kids or me. When I gave them IntraKID, I was surprised that they took it without complaining. I couldn’t believe it!
Unlike other vitamins which contain tons of sugar to make them more tasty, IntraKID uses a natural raspberry flavor. I remember when I used another vitamin, Tyler went berserk. When I saw how much sugar it has, I learned that it has caffeine and sugar. Lots of it.
Tyler loves taking this and would even ask me when “vitamin time” is. Tyler loves IntraKID so much that I have to put it somewhere he cannot reach. 

My Review of IntraKID

I’ve noticed that after using two bottles of IntraKID, my older kid was more energetic. What’s remarkable is that Tyler does not go hyperactive on me. When I read more about it, I learned that over-activity results from nutritional imbalances. IntraKID took care of whatever nutritional imbalance Tyler has.  I’ve also noticed that their sleeping patterns improved.

Both my kids haven’t had any colds since taking IntraKID. Before they took IntraKID, they were often miserable because of  colds. Once my girl’s colds are over, the other one gets it. Then I get it, too. (Have you noticed how easily you can catch colds from your kids?)

I also love it that IntraKID comes in 2 ounce bottles for when you travel. While the 33 oz one gives you value for your money, the travel-sized IntraKID is more convenient.

All in all, I’m very satisfied with IntraKID liquid multi-vitamin supplement for children. Given all the kids’ vitamins I have to test, this is by far the one that passed all my standards.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Most Effective Way to Handling the Slow Eater

Now that I am less worried about Cameron, my eight-year-old’s nutrition going downhill because of IntraKID Liquid Vitamin, I am now looking for ways to make her eat faster. While I have all the time in the world to wait for her, I do know that there are some of you who also have full-time jobs. Plus, it’s really trying to have your child take forever to eat.

Why Make It Fast?

While I don’t judge parents who want to hasten their kid’s eating times because they have other important stuff to do, let me first tell you that slow eating is healthier. That’s why I’ve tried to research about the average time a kid should finish his or her meals and here’s what I found out.

According to a 2002 study of National Food Service Management Institute, children need a total of 20 minutes to eat their lunch in school. This includes enough socializing with peers which is an essential part of the healthy eating. Given this average, if your child eats more than 30 minutes, then you have a good enough reason to train him or her to eat faster.

How to Make Kids Eat Faster
Now that you have a goal in mind on how long it takes your child to eat, then you can set the rules. You need to be clear to your kids that there is a meal time and it starts and ends at definite periods. Whatever your child eats during that time, this is the only food that they get without any snacks. Be firm with this rule, but don’t try to explain, nag, or complain either because talking rarely helps.

Don’t Forget the Nutrients
This is the most effective way I have found for my daughter and I’ve tried everything. Charts, rewards, timers, everything. Now, a question lurking in your mind is whether or not your child gets the proper nutrition with this method. I know that they might go hungry a few times, especially when they’re just starting out. To ease my worries about nutrition, I made sure that my kids drank their IntraKID Liquid Vitamin to supplement their meals. intraKID Liquid Vitamin is the best kids vitamin I've been able to find. This way, even when they go hungry for some time, you’ll know that their health won’t suffer.

Friday, March 12, 2010

intraKID Children's Liquid Vitamin

Kids Vitamins and Other Children Nutrition Frustrations

Hello! My name is Amanda, and welcome to my blog. I am a 33-year-old stay-at-home mom and before I became a fulltime mother, I was a nutritionist. This blog will merge my two interests, which is nutrition and children. I have two kids, Cameron and Tyler. Cameron’s eight and Tyler is three.

When I meet my friends who are also mothers, I’m amazed about how our conversations revolve around our kids (what else, right?) and a main problem that often arises is whether or not we’re feeding our kids right.

Cameron is probably the pickiest and the sl—oo-west eater alive. I love her, but she really tests my patience whenever she spends more than an hour eating her food. She also likes to eat the same meal for months! She’s perfectly happy eating fried chicken for two months straight and if I prepare another meal, she wouldn’t eat it. She’d rather starve than eat unfamiliar food.

Tyler, on the other hand, eats everything he touches. I mean, everything! He’s more than happy chewing the couch if I let him. I thank my lucky stars that I was not blessed with two picky eaters. But Tyler is so hyperactive that I sometimes wonder whether he has ADHD. I had him checked and my pediatrician says that he’s just an ordinary active kid. Whew! But I also need to control his sugar or his intake of chocolates or I’d be up all night with a kids that puts Taz’s hyperactivity to shame.
Since I’m a nutritionist, imagine how frustrated I am that my own daughter does not follow proper dietary habits. That’s why I started searching for the proper children's nutritional supplement to appease my growing worry that she would develop health problems from her eating habits.

To my consternation, many of the kids’ nutritional supplements available were full of sugar and other artificial ingredients. Honestly, have you read those labels? It probably has more sugar than vitamins and minerals. If Tyler gets hold of this, I might just as well give him stimulants. So I decided to hunt for the right nutritional health supplement for my kids.  Luckily, the Internet showed me several alternatives in organic health supplements for children

So please join me as I share with you several tips and tricks that I’ve gleaned when I became a fulltime mother.  Feel free to drop me comments and questions. I’d love to hear from you.
