Friday, March 12, 2010

intraKID Children's Liquid Vitamin

Kids Vitamins and Other Children Nutrition Frustrations

Hello! My name is Amanda, and welcome to my blog. I am a 33-year-old stay-at-home mom and before I became a fulltime mother, I was a nutritionist. This blog will merge my two interests, which is nutrition and children. I have two kids, Cameron and Tyler. Cameron’s eight and Tyler is three.

When I meet my friends who are also mothers, I’m amazed about how our conversations revolve around our kids (what else, right?) and a main problem that often arises is whether or not we’re feeding our kids right.

Cameron is probably the pickiest and the sl—oo-west eater alive. I love her, but she really tests my patience whenever she spends more than an hour eating her food. She also likes to eat the same meal for months! She’s perfectly happy eating fried chicken for two months straight and if I prepare another meal, she wouldn’t eat it. She’d rather starve than eat unfamiliar food.

Tyler, on the other hand, eats everything he touches. I mean, everything! He’s more than happy chewing the couch if I let him. I thank my lucky stars that I was not blessed with two picky eaters. But Tyler is so hyperactive that I sometimes wonder whether he has ADHD. I had him checked and my pediatrician says that he’s just an ordinary active kid. Whew! But I also need to control his sugar or his intake of chocolates or I’d be up all night with a kids that puts Taz’s hyperactivity to shame.
Since I’m a nutritionist, imagine how frustrated I am that my own daughter does not follow proper dietary habits. That’s why I started searching for the proper children's nutritional supplement to appease my growing worry that she would develop health problems from her eating habits.

To my consternation, many of the kids’ nutritional supplements available were full of sugar and other artificial ingredients. Honestly, have you read those labels? It probably has more sugar than vitamins and minerals. If Tyler gets hold of this, I might just as well give him stimulants. So I decided to hunt for the right nutritional health supplement for my kids.  Luckily, the Internet showed me several alternatives in organic health supplements for children

So please join me as I share with you several tips and tricks that I’ve gleaned when I became a fulltime mother.  Feel free to drop me comments and questions. I’d love to hear from you.

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